QGIS Dev Meeting Essen 2014
Provide hooks to modify existing services by manipulating input and output
Provide hooks to extend QGIS server by adding new services
Lower the barrier to develop new services by using Python
Maintain deployment and configuration extensions as easy as possibile (GUI-based one-click install & deployment)
Prototyping of new services
Replace the existing professional solutions available for heavy duty webservices
web clients configuration
new services (WPS etc.)
new output formats
Two possibilities:
404 handler - Simplest, hack-ish but unobtrusive and FAST! and KISS and DRY and [place your favourite pattern here!]
Observer - Full-featured but with a minimal overhead and will require an heavy refactoring of the existing request handling code
System Message: ERROR/3
index.rstline 46Unknown directive type "graph".
.. graph:: images/qgis-server-stdflow.png :scale: 100% digraph g { #rankdir="LR" node [color=greenyellow, shape=box, style=filled, fontname="sans-serif"] "Core SERVICE?" [shape=hexagon] "Output to FCGI stdin"[color=greenyellow, shape=box, style="filled,rounded"] "Incoming request" [color=greenyellow, shape=box, style="filled,rounded"] "Incoming request" -> "Get the SERVICE" "Get the SERVICE" -> "Core SERVICE?" "Core SERVICE?" -> "Execute" [ label="yes" ] "Execute" -> "Output to FCGI stdin" "Core SERVICE?" -> "Exception" [ label="no" ] "Exception" -> "Output to FCGI stdin" }
System Message: ERROR/3
index.rstline 71Unknown directive type "graph".
.. graph:: images/qgis-server-404flow.png :scale: 100% digraph g { #rankdir="LR" node [color=greenyellow, shape=box, style=filled, fontname="sans-serif"] "Core SERVICE?" [shape=hexagon] "Plugin SERVICE?" [shape=hexagon color=yellow style=filled] "Output to FCGI stdin" [color=greenyellow, shape=box, style="filled,rounded"] "Incoming request" [color=greenyellow, shape=box, style="filled,rounded"] "Incoming request" -> "Get the SERVICE" "Get the SERVICE" -> "Core SERVICE?" "Core SERVICE?" -> "Execute core" [ label="yes" ] "Execute core" -> "Output to FCGI stdin" "Core SERVICE?" -> "Plugin SERVICE?" [ label="no" ] "Plugin SERVICE?" -> "Execute plugin" [ label="yes" ] "Plugin SERVICE?" -> "Exception" [ label="no" ] "Exception" -> "Output to FCGI stdin" "Execute plugin" -> "Output to FCGI stdin" }
unobtrusive: just three lines of codes added to main loop
CGI-style plugins
Minimal overhead when FCGI starts
0 (zero) overhead on core SERVICES: FAST!
re-use current Python Plugins loading mechanism
proof-of-concept simplest implementation done
no way to manipulate request and response generated from core services
Observer pattern: plugins will register themselves and listen to signals. Plugins will receive the request/response objects and they will be able to manipulate them:
at FCGI startup
after the request object is created
before the response is sent to the client
if there is no match with core services (404 handler)
System Message: ERROR/3
index.rstline 131Unknown directive type "graph".
.. graph:: images/qgis-server-signals-slots.png :scale: 70% digraph g { rankdir="LR" node [color=greenyellow, shape=box, style="filled,rounded", fontname="sans-serif"] "FCGI Start" "Incoming request" "Output to FCGI stdin" node [color=greenyellow, shape=box, style=filled, fontname="sans-serif"] "Execute" # Signals node [shape=box color=yellow style=filled, fontname="sans-serif"] "Emit STARTED" "Emit REQUEST" "Emit RESPONSE" "Emit 404" node [color=greenyellow, shape=box, style="filled", fontname="sans-serif"] "Core SERVICE?" [shape=hexagon, style=filled] "Response ready?" [shape=hexagon, style=filled] "Get the SERVICE" {rank=same "FCGI Start" -> "Emit STARTED"} "Emit STARTED" -> "Incoming request" subgraph cluster_0 { label = "FCGI Loop"; style=filled; color=lightgrey; {rank=same "Incoming request" "Emit REQUEST" "Get the SERVICE"} {rank=same "Core SERVICE?" "Emit 404" "Response ready?"} {rank=same "Execute" "Exception" "Emit RESPONSE"} "Incoming request" -> "Emit REQUEST" "Emit REQUEST" -> "Get the SERVICE" "Get the SERVICE" -> "Core SERVICE?" "Core SERVICE?" -> "Execute" [ label="yes" ] "Execute" -> "Emit RESPONSE" "Emit RESPONSE" -> "Output to FCGI stdin" "Core SERVICE?" -> "Emit 404" [ label="no" ] "Emit 404" -> "Response ready?" "Response ready?" -> "Output to FCGI stdin" [ label="yes" ] "Response ready?" -> "Exception" [ label="no" ] "Exception" -> "Output to FCGI stdin" "Output to FCGI stdin" -> "Incoming request" } #"Core SERVICE?" -> "Response ready?" [style=invis] }
Provides all the possibilities to manipulate the request and response and extend QGIS Server
requires heavy refactoring of request handler --> request/repsponse handler
could introduce some (probably tiny) overhead even if there aren't any plugins installed/enabled
FCGI application starts and maintain an hash of services exposed by the plugins
When FCGI loop ends without a match for the core services (WMS, WFS, WCS) the 404 handler matches SERVICE with the service metatag exposed by the plugin.
the REQUEST parameter must match the CSV list of plugin's exposed methods, as declared in the methods metadata
the plugin loads without errors
the plugin has a method named as the REQUEST
Example query string:
Python methods (static!) are invoked and their output is captured and passed on to FCGI
Plugins exposed SERVICE and REQUEST methods are listed in Plugin's metadata:
Example metadata:
service=HELLO methods=GetCapabilities,GetOutput,RemoteConsole,SayHello
When all checks are done the plugin runs by calling the method in the REQUEST, the method receives:
the project path and
the query string as parameters.
The plugin (static) method has access to global python environment and can run arbitrary python commands, it can optionally return a content type string (the server defaults to text/plain
The plugin CGI-style output is captured diverting stdout
and stderr
to a custom buffer which becomes the server response.
def SayHello(project_path, parameters):
"""Just say something"""
print "HelloServer"
return 'text/plain'
Example response:
200 OK Connection: close Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 09:56:36 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Length: 12 Content-Type: text/plain Client-Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 09:56:36 GMT Client-Peer: Client-Response-Num: 1 HelloServer
System Message: ERROR/3
index.rstline 287Unknown directive type "graph".
.. graph:: images/qgis-server-refactoring.png :scale: 70% digraph g { #rankdir="LR" node [color=greenyellow, shape=box, style=filled, fontname="sans-serif"] request[label="Incoming request", style="filled,rounded"] is_wms [label="Is WMS?", shape=hexagon] is_wfs [label="Is WFS?", shape=hexagon] output [label="Output", shape=box, style="filled,rounded"] exception [label="Exception"] request -> is_wms is_wms -> output [ label="yes" ] is_wms -> is_wfs [ label="no" ] is_wfs -> output [ label="yes" ] is_wfs -> exception [ label="no" ] exception -> output output -> request }
The current main loop:
create GET/POST/SOAP request handler
call request handler output method
else Exception
The new main loop:
create GET/POST/SOAP request handler
pass request to iFace
call plugins (emit request signal)
call server's executeRequest()
store the byte stream output and content type in the request handler
call plugins (emit 404 signal)
call plugins (emit response signal)
store Exception in the request handler
request handler output the response
Not sure about what should be exposed:
request/response handler
capabilities cache
logger ?
Should we use the same system for desktop and server plugins?
What is the (mostly) unique selling point of QGIS Server ?
GUI-based configuration of the map and the services!
A Server plugin can have (not must) a desktop interface aimed to configure itself
One-click install and deployment
An example plugin is available:
A running implementation of the sever plugins basic functionalities is available here:
Local test:
http://qwc/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.cgi?SERVICE=HELLO&request=GetCapabilities http://qwc/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.cgi?SERVICE=HELLO&request=SayHello http://qwc/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.cgi?SERVICE=HELLO&request=RemoteConsole http://qwc/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.cgi?SERVICE=WPS&request=GetCapabilities
If the plugin has a Desktop interface it cannot usually access to user's QSettings
, this means that plugins options have to be stored somewhere else in order to be accessible by the server side.