QGIS Dev Meeting Zuerich 2011
What we will be working on:
Plugins app
Home Page
Symbols repository
Other apps: bug fixes
support for the new metadata .ini file format
per_page list view (almost done)
better list views layout
Web Service API
added POST decorator to all actions
Is the old XML format deprecated ?
Do we need to show a warning message ?
Not used in QGIS, Web app only:
author (from User model, with email etc.)
changelog from file ?
tags ? (CSV)
deprecated (add flag) ?
central ?
github ?
redmine ?
Changelog is now mandatory for all revisions except when the plugin is created (should be the first revision).
We can read the changelog from a CHANGELOG file (AFAIK multiline values are problematic in .ini files)
XML-RPC: (supports JSON-RPC) is very easy to implement
REST: more complicated do implement and not completely supported (i.e. from some browsers)
Guess what I vote for ?
Aggregator: latest plugins / latest users / latest feed entries ...
CMS basic infrastructure is in place: basic flat pages and navigation menus
Tim ?