Recenlty I had a major HDD failure and I had to regenerate my working environment on a new HDD. Â Th...
This is my second experiment with Energia LaunchPad boards. This time I wanted to see how difficult ...
A new baby is sitting on my desktop: yesterday arrived the MSP430 powered Launchpad development boar...
OSRM is a lightning fast open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap data. We are now using it ...
The Matrixclock project This little project was born to build a present for my son’s birthday,...
Recently I’ve built a small clone of LittleWire Attiny85 based AVR programmer. A few notes to ...
I’ve just discovered that the latest versions of web developer FF extension supports 3D view o...
Recently, I started learning OpenERP: what better occasion to develop a module to control an Arduino...
I’ve been recently fascinated by the V-USB project and its interesting applications to the ATt...
I was simply tired of all that wires on my breadboard and I had a small chunk of a stripboard left f...