Polymaps, TileStache and SVG CSS styling issues A few days ago I started playing with Polymaps and TileStache, two very promising WebGIS building to...
OpenStreeetMap and OpenCycleMap extent bookmarklet Today I wrote a simple bookmarklet to get the map extent in EPSG:4326 from the wonderful OpenCycleMa...
django deployment with nginx and uwsgi There are many tutorial/procedures on this topic, I just wish to add a few notes on the pieces IR...
QGIS mapserver test drive QGIS recently added new WMS server capabilities to its software stack. Breaking into the server worl...
Django DAG: my first reusable app on PyPi  Django DAG Django-dag is a small reusable app which implements a Directed Acyclic Graph. Usag...
Net neutrality and ADSL speed monitoring in python If you are concerned like I am about net neutrality, you can consider using Neubot. Neubot is a pyth...
Right click map control in OpenLayers Thanks to a post in Spatial Notes Blog I’ve finally found a cross-browser way to handle right ...
Fixing WordPress automatic upgrade I’ve spent a lot of time trying to fix the automatic WordPress update function on some of my c...