Rilasciato Maemo Stars: un atlante stellare per maemo
Maemo Stars
Maemo stars è il porting di “Stars”: un atlante stellare, scritto qualche anno fa e poi abbandonato dall’autore senza che fosse purtroppo completato.
Ho scelto “Stars” dopo aver analizzato le diverse possibilità, tenendo presente le limitazioni hardware e software del Nokia 770.
Il programma gira abbastanza bene anche sul Nokia 770 e le principali funzionalità sono attive, rimangono da attivare le funzioni previste ma mai realizzate dall’autore originale e qualche novità che mi è venuta in mente nel frattempo o mi è stata suggerita dai primi utilizzatori.
Il link al sito originale di “Stars”
Maemo Stars è ora ospitato su Maemo Garage, un sito di sviluppo chs usa GForge per i progetti software collegati a Maemo. Visita la pagina del progetto di Maemo Stars’s Project Page per il download e per i dettagli relativi a Maemo Stars e al suo sviluppo. Puoi anche aggiungere segnalazioni di bug o richieste di feature al Tracker.
Pagina del progetto: maemo-stars su
purtroppo completato.Bug noti
Purtroppo il programma ha ancora diversi bug da sistemare:
- il catalogo ngc31 non funziona (non sono stato capace di farlo funzionare)
- la barra di scorrimento orizzontale funziona al contrario del previsto
- la configurazione non viene salvata all’uscita dal programma (questo è un difetto già presente nella versione originale)
Download e installazione
Maemo Stars è adesso disponibile per il download nel catalogo applicazioni di Maemo Garage. Aggiungi questo catalogo al Gestore Applicazioni per accedere immediatamente ai download e agli aggiornamenti di Maemo Stars:
Web location: Distribution: mistral Components: free
Per installare la libreria glade (necessaria per Maemo Star) occorre aggiungere anche il deposito seguente all’elenco dei depositi in Application Manager:
Web location: Distribution: mistral Components: free

nice piece of work, thanks alot!
Henri Bergius
Good work!
Couple of quick points: It would be great to move this to Maemo Garage and add to the package repository there for easier updates.
Also, this app would be a prime example of benefits of GeoClue. Using the DBUS service you could open the night sky automatically to user’s position:
GeoClue is already being used by the development version of Maemo Blog.
Alessandro Pasotti
Yes, good idea (also the position from GPS would be great) but there are still al lot of bugs to squash first.
I will set up a garage project ASAP (I’m currently too busy to find the time to do that though).
Any help would be highly appreciated.
I added the mistral free and I still can’t find glade any help?
Alessandro Pasotti
glade problem:
I still don’t understand why this dependency isn’t handled automatically by the application installer, BTW there is a way to see “all” available packages (including glade) in the app installer:
see this post (it’s not a joke, believe me)
Henri Bergius
The whole idea of GeoClue is that you don’t need to worry where the position comes from… it could be geoip, plazes, GPS, whatever. You just ask the service “where am I”.
Great to hear the app is coming to Garage!
Alessandro Pasotti
Yes, the app is on garage and sonner or later on extra repository too (I’ve go the access tokens, but I still have to understand how to sign packages etc.).
I think the missing point for position (geoclue) is that maemo-stars cannot set the observer position, I think the applications (unfortunately) has no idea about time and position.
I should ask the author if he has plans to support it.
Simon Clayton-Jones
installed maemo stars : very nice
you can set the observer position (but the option to make it a new city does not work)
also some catalogues seem to be missing in particular the galaxy ,clusters and fainter stars, how do I get hold of these?
now I can use my 770 for something other than browsing!
carpe noctem
Alessandro Pasotti
yes you’re right, position can be set (but not retained after the session).
Adding a city was not working also in the original application, and I’ve not tried to enable it in the port.
The missing catalogs can be enabled in the configuration panel (be sure you’re using the latest maemo-star from garage).
There is just one catalog (n31gc) that I was’nt able to compile and hence is not available.
Note: the changes in the configuration are not stored anywhere (as in the original app) they are lost between session, this is something I would like to fix among other bugs.
Martin Vermeer
Great software… I just noticed two bugs.
1) the declination control moves the viewport, but the RA control the sky. I think moving the viewport is more logical. At least it should be consistent.
2) When enabling the catalog of large galaxies, it is not possible to click on a galaxy to get info. This works for the other catalogs.
Alessandro Pasotti
you’re right, this bug was already in the upstream app.
I will try to fix it.
Is the source, or a patch available; as required by the GPL? I’d be interested in how Glade-using apps are Hildonised.
Thanks in advance.
770 dude
Glade problem
I cannot install this software, it keeps saying the glade library is missing. I have the latest OS. When will this bug be fixed?
it’s not a bug, if you’d just read this page before posting, you’d find the answer to your question.
Alessandro Pasotti
Full sources of maemo-stars are now available at garage SVN project repository:
770 dude
I should point out that I have also manually added the mistral free as described above.
Also I have tried the new 0.5 version of stars. The same problem still exists where the application cannot be installed due to the missing glade library.
Tom T.
First off, thanks for porting an astro application!
Second – I’m having problems with the catalogs, and I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction. When I install, I’m not getting any catalogs that contain anything other than the SAO stars, Pulsars, and several galactic catalogs. Nothing on the NGC/IC, messier or the SAC databases. This leads to some interesting issues – EX. while I can enable globular star clusters, I don’t have a catalog that has any in them!
I am running .5
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated!
Tom T.
Alessandro Pasotti
n31gc catalog is not functioning ATM, I was not able to activate it.
I should mention this in a “Known Bugs” list though.
Tom T.
Thanks for the response!
The only catalogs I see at the moment are
AFAICS, none of these are “general use” catalogs for DSO’s. Are there other catalogs available? Specifically, the NGC/IC/Messier and/or the SAC?
If the goal is to make this useful for amateur astronomers, the inclusion of those would really help.
Also – according to:
The initial program additionally offered:
1151 galactic open clusters(Lund catalog) [grey circles]
160 galactic globular clusters(Monela et al) [blue crossed circles]
Planetary Nebula [green circles with points]
Any chance we’ll see those ported in the near future?
This program looks very promising. Thank you!
Alessandro Pasotti
I’m currently too busy to do any further deveolpment on maemo-stars, I hope I will find some more time in the (not so far) future.
Additional catalogs would be a nice feature, but I believe that making maemo-stars remember its options and closing some bugs would be at the top of my priority list.
I still hope somebody (hopefully more expert than me in astronomy) will join the project.
I have already spent a lot of time porting this app to GTK2, converting interface to new GLADE XML format, hildonizing and rearranging the interfate to fit into the N770, compiling, testing, packaging, adding to extra repository, answering to emails, that if I will continue this way, my three sons will soon ask for charity near the traffic lights of my town.
Seriously, I will not stop the development of maemo-stars, but without any help (or founding) it will be a really slow process.
BTW do you have any links to those catalogs?
770 dude
I have found the solution to my missing libglade problem by pure happenstance.
The information about the catalogs and repositories to add, given in the installation instructions at the top of this page, is not correct.
I accidentally added the following catalog to my 770, and now Stars will install.
web location:
distribution: mistral
components: free
Note that this is DIFFERENT from BOTH of the catalog and repository definitions given at the top of this page.
You’ve made a very nice program, more should be able to easily enjoy it.
Alessandro Pasotti
Thanks for signalling the mistake (but it is also possible that the distribution address changed meanwhile), I updated the instructions accordingly.