Today I released the first public version of Jooma! FAP 1.7, the accessible suite for Joomla! which I’m developing since 2008.
The suite was born to comply with the Italian regulation regarding web sites managed by public administrations, they must be not only accessible but also follow other technical requirements (like doctype XHTML 1.0 strict, to say one).
The project is maintained on github , all the code is released under AGPL (Affero GPL) license.
Posizioni del template Joomla! FAP 1.7
It seems good, but I found docs, videos etc. only in Italian languages.
Could you tell me English stuffs about it?
Alessandro Pasotti
This is a project developed specifically for the Italian users, but since you ask:
You can test it by installing the accesskeys component (which manages the accesskeys for the menu items), it’s pretty easy to use.
All packages are in the “release” folder:
Then you need the accessible template, which in turn uses the accesskeys defined in the component and allows high contrast skin and liquid layout optional switch.
Last pieces are two plugins:
– jfap (fixes some small issue)
– HTML Purifier (this is a 3rd party plugins. find it here: )
That’s all.
E’ indicato su questa pagina “Joomla FAP per 1.7 e succ”, posso quindi installarlo con la 2.5?
Alessandro Pasotti
qui c’è l’ultimissima versione:
Ciao, piccola curiosità: installando vari plugin il sito verrà meno alle caratteristiche di “accessibile”? Il template dovrebbe far da padrone….giusto?
Grazie e complimenti per il lavoro!
Alessandro Pasotti
no: i componenti di terze parti possono creare grossi problemi di accessibilità.
…quindi andranno “validati” di volta in volta?
grazie per la pronta risposta