I miei figli passavano le ore di viaggio disegnando con TuxPaint sul Nokia 770, finché non ho aggiornato il sistema alla versione 2006. Dato che l’autore del port alla versione 2005 non sembra più interessato ad un nuovo port, mi sono arrangiato con il mio primo pacchetto debian.
Il programma funziona però non è completamente integrato nell ambiente Hildon.Bug
Quando l’utente preme il tasto hardware “Home” (la casetta), il programma sparisce dallo schermo ma continua a girare in sottofondo, l’unico modo di arrestarlo è aprire un terminale e digitare:killall -9 tuxpaint
oppure resettare il dispositivo.
Questo problema affligge molti programmi portati sul Nokia 770, ho tentato diversi approcci tramite libosso senza successo, se qualcuno sa come fare, mi contatti.
Lo strumento “testo” non funziona.
You can install tuxpaint for both N800 and N770 with the application manager, add the following repository, refresh package list and install:
Web address: http://repository.maemo.org
Distribution: mistral
Component: free
Older version:
- Binary debian package – Garage
great job with tuxpaint for it2006, my children also missed it.
Hello, thank you for porting tuxpaint to Os2006 version. I have however a problem with this. Tuxpaint do not start at all. When trying to launch from command line it gives an error message: “error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”
Any ideas how to overcome this?
br, Antti
Tom Cushwa
This is great. I would like to get rid of the prompt line at the bottom of the screen to maximize the sketching area. Also I would like the pictures to be saved to the memory card. I can’t get the pictures off the Nokia unless they are on the memory card.
It’s a lot of fun though. If any one is very serious about sketching on the Nokia770 then they should also check out “Horizon”
Alessandro Pasotti
@ Antti:
libsdl ttf are missing in your installation, they should be installed by default.
deb http://repository.maemo.org mistral free
Put this line into /etc/apt/sources.list, run apt-get update, then
run apt-get install libsdl-ttf2.0-0, but you know that, I’m sure 🙂
Alessandro Pasotti
@ Tom Cushwa:
I will look into the config file to see if this is configurable.
The images are already saved in the memory card: /media/mmc1/tuxpaint
About horizon: i tried it in the 2005OS and it was too slow to be useful. Is it now faster on the 2006 OS?
Jeff Kassel
Any chance of tweaking this to work on a Nokia N800 (OS2007)? Thanks.
Alessandro Pasotti
Tuxpaint OS2007 already works perfectly on N800: most of OS2006 packages works without modifications on N800.