Another great QGIS hackfest, another great meeting!
Here is a quick summary of what happened.
Last week I’ve been in Madeira at the hackfest, like all the past events this has been an amazing happening, for those of you who have never been there, a QGIS hackfest is typically an event where QGIS developers and other pasionate contributors like documentation writers, translators etc. gather together to discuss the future of their beloved QGIS software. QGIS hackfest are informal events where meetings are scheduled freely and any topic relevant to the project can be discussed. This time we have brought to the table some interesting topics like:- the future of processing providers: should they be part of QGIS code or handled independently as plugins?
- the road forward to a better bug reporting system and CI platform: move to gitlab?
- the certification program for QGIS training courses: how (and how much) training companies should give back to the project?
- SWOT analysis of current QGIS project: very interesting discussion about the status of the project.
- QGIS Qt Quick modules for mobile QGIS app
- How to set up a development environment and make your first pull request
- How to write tests for QGIS (in both python and C++)